Tuesday 14 September 2010

Stourpaine 2010

GDSf = Great Dorset Steam Fair - September 2010

Just a few pics taken, please look at both Flickr and F/B for more photo's and video taken of a great number of the exhibits. Visited Wednesday through to Saturday, trying to see as much as possible including all the trade stalls. I did not think that there was as much interesting old vehicle parts, tools and the like this year.

Many highlights for me this year especially the Special display of McLaren Engines. Fancy being lucky enough to find McLaren works number 2 and considering it's age - built 1877, recognisable as a traction engine. There were 47 different types of traction engines plus the two Fowler BB1 ploughing engines with McLaren/Benz diesel conversions. Also included in the area were several McLaren implements, a living van, several other diesel engines plus two scale miniature engines. It was brilliant to see a number of engines across from NZ.

One of the great focal points are the Showman's engines lined up and fully lit at night, supplying power to various rides. There are other Showman engines also dotted around the vast site supplying power to a number of organs who work tireless all day and well into the night . There were 64 Showman's, excluding McLaren engines listed this year, managed to photo a good number.

In the steam tractor section we were treated to the finished 1926 Sentinel Tractor no 6426 in a light blue livery and yellow wheels. This was repatriated from Australia before a complete rebuilt was undertaken. As usual there was a good turnout from the road haulage locomotive section who enjoyed carting around a WW2 tank, courtesy of the Tank museum; as well as the large steam rail locomotive - Canadian Pacific, all 150 tons (excluding special trailer and modern diesel tractor unit). In addition to the above there were two fully laden timber trailers, a trailer with an early electric generator, a trailer full of ships anchor chain and a trailer with a huge cylindrical tank on; all available to hitch up to and cart around the play pen. The steam boys and girls do not get it all their own way as the diesel heavy haulage crews like to show what they can do as well, just not a lot of smoke, noise and smells when they go around.

The roller brigade were well represented, there must have been 25 of them plus a couple of early diesel rollers as well. Taken with their living vans, tar boilers and all the small equipment that is shown off the roller section is a worthy area to explore. The lads do enjoy themselves these days as they are allowed to dig out and make several sections of road, even applying tarmac nowadays. the roads are getting longer and more complex, it is a good thing that there is not enough room as the next step is motorway construction. However away from the roller section there are now early construction equipment such as a small dragline, dumper, tracked loader with earthmoving scraper and box; all working showing the visitor how things were done years ago. Within the roller section there was even a small steam patching roller - first time I have seen that.

I thought that this year there were not as many steam lorries at the show, the programme lists only 14 number but there were definitely more steam cars running around. The steam cars are very fast around the play pen especially one that had been built as a racer, beautiful looking with good clean lines. As normal there were plenty of steam miniatures on the go and it was good to see a number being driven by the apprentices. They have their own section of the play pen to use so the visitor can see both small and full size engines at the same time. Quite a number of these miniatures are based on an original engine.

The steam ploughing teams used to draw good crowds but this year did not see many people watching. Nowadays the whole area is roped off under H&S so one is not able to get a really good close view of the engines working - it is all at a distance which spoils the effects. Everything has to be roped these days because of H&S and Insurance. The other thing is that all engines are set up so that ropes and belts are positioned towards the inner part of the working area so again one has difficulty in seeing the more interesting parts of the machinery. It is still magic to watch the wood sawing and threshing equipment at work.

As usual there were a huge number of organs, the largest original organ being the 112 key Gavioli Scenic organ of 1908. there are a couple of larger organs but they are very modern by comparison (1984 and 2003). I enjoy wandering around moving from organ to organ listening to their melodies. Due to the McLaren special show there was not enough space to host the normal Saturday evening Organ Recital on the Anderton & Rowlands Grand Marengi Organ - great pity.

Despite being billed as the GDSF there are plenty of non steam vehicles and side shows to enjoy. How about wandering around viewing over 400 commercial vehicles, from the huge heavy haulage lorries, through to the light vans that would deliver the bread and fish around the streets in the 50's and 60's. Add to that some 100 plus cars, 20 caravans, 80 + motorbikes and 30 or so push bikes there is plenty to interest visitors.

We have touched on steam plowing, well there are two fields set aside for tractors and heavy horse so that they can show how they used to plow and till the fields. The tractors always give a good show, both static and working. This year there was a special display of Porsche tractors, but I was more interested in the early car they brought along - always fancied a 50's Porsche. The horses not only work the land but they also put on carriage driving displays and for me the star is always the horse drawn fire engine display complete with real fire to douse. Not to be out done, and the number of exhibits grows year on year are the military crews. It is absolutely phenomenal what they bring and display. It used to be a few lorries, jeeps and landies but now - tracked vehicles, rocket launcher with rockets etc.
Moving on; around the site are the craft tents, model exhibition marquee, how it was done in Granfer's day, private collections, and stationary engines. It is amazing how diverse these are now. There are even a separate section of renovated Shepherd huts to view and fancy collecting meat mincers! the craft marquee is good, lots to sample, eat and drink; I always get my lunch from there as soon as I have had my bacon and eggs - and that is the first action of the day. For £5.90 a good sized breakfast with mug of tea.
If one gets bored there is always the tractor pulling demonstrations. the tractor against a dynamic weighted sled, of course these days the tractors are not standard and I was told this year the organisers miscalculated the layout so the runway was some 30 metres shorter - damn it just is not as good with a shorter runway. How ever a couple of the steam tractors decided to have a go and with plenty of sparks flying they elegantly traversed the runway without too much effort. One of the NZ machines did end up with his front wheels in the air at the end of the tow and had to gently lower them much to the crowds delight. You have to get there early at the beginning of each demonstration as this is a popular event.
As normal I stay well into the evening so Wednesday to Friday night is Real Ale tent night with Dr Busker and the Dorset RATS (Real Ale Tent Singers). Plenty of rowdy bawdy songs most of them I at least know the chorus as does everybody else. He always finishes with Land of Hope Glory then God Save the Queen. Hats are expected to be removed.
What else can I say - nothing except roll on next year

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