Wednesday 7 July 2010

Fur Seal pup just waiting for it's mum to return to feed it

Yellow eyed penguin returning at dusk, they come in singularly or as a loose pair. It is not until they start to go up the grass hillside that they may make a noise. At the start of the grass the unattached penguins look for a mate and we saw one pair enjoying a "kiss"

Female Sea Lion - she will chase and eat penguins and can more faster on the sand than they can, so the penguins are very wary of them

Male Sea Lion enjoying a snooze - all the Sea Lions disappeared into the water to hunt come late afternoon - just as the penguins come ashore

My favourite shot - we were about to leave the beach when our guide turned around to say have a last look when this little chap walked from the water to about 10 feet from us, saw the female Sea Lions and bolted back to the water's edge. As there was another penguin further down the beach this one then went across and followed up into the grass. Totally unafraid of us so we all got some good shots

Elm Wildlife Tours - 4th July at Otago Peninsula

Spent all afternoon and early evening on this tour. First stop was the Albatross colony but did not get the ticket as have been in. Instead watched smaller albatross flying across the sea and saw one Royal Albatross flying back to the land.

On private lands we saw the Sea Lions and Yellow Eyed penguins in a very remote and sandy beach. Then trekked across the headland to a rocky outcrop to see the fur seals.
Back to the hostel for a good nosh up, have put pictures on F/B

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