Monday 12 July 2010

They really mean it as at dusk the blue penguins come back onshore and just before dawn breaks they go back out to sea to fish
A blue penguin in a nest box, 'catnaps' for a few seconds at a time

The route the majority take from the sea to the nest site

View of part of the nest site.

July 7th Blue Penguin colony at Oamaru
Decided to revisit the colony as in the day time you can photo the birds (without flash) - that is if any are to be seen. There is a purpose built viewing platform/hut built over 12 nest sites, arranged in a circle. Whilst you cannot film in there you can watch the birds in their nest/burrows. Half were full with 2 birds in each - mating pairs as this was the start of their breeding season.
Outside the same same type of burrow had been constructed as Ortago peninsula and in one box we found a penguin waiting out the day.
These birds are a delight to see and watch but I think quite rare so there is a drive to support the conservation at the Oamaru site by adopting one, for a fee of NZ$75.00 (£37.50) plus p&p I would imagine if you are outside of NZ. The best way to see for yourself what the package entails is to visit
Excellent Christmas present especially for the kids or those who are kids at heart and like the ahhhh factor.

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