Tuesday 8 June 2010

Atlantis Hotel

Glass sculpture in the reception

Bedroom & en-suite
My next blog said Hi from Hong Kong airport, but had a glitch in connection so ended up loosing my input. Anyway had a good overnight flight from Dubai. These e-tickets are not all they are cracked up to be. Ended up with the supervisor having to 'sort out' the booking system!!!. In a way I was pleased to leave Dubai as very hot.

Airports - Dubai - I had remembered that queueing was not a middle eastern strength from my time in Baghdad in the 80's but was still caught out !!! Got there in the end after a few words about patience and a glare,

It would have been great to have flown into the old HK airport as the planes had to weave amongst the mountains but of course they have a brand new airport. Landing straightforward, airport very clean and orderly. HK airport built on a manmade island, great feat of engineering.

Next blog will be from Singapore

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