Monday 14 June 2010

Bamboo in Singapore's botanical garden. Only had 20 mins here so did not see a lot but from the guides description one could easily spend a day walking around the various themed areas. I had a quick look at the ginger section. Interestingly in NZ I have seen signs that call for wild ginger to be eradicated as it is an invasive species!

New hotel and casino with what looks like the modern equivalent of Noah's Ark resting on the 3 towers. Palm trees, swimming pools restaurants etc on the top- opening sometime in July. I think it is a fabulous outline and has been built away from all the other skyscrapers in the finance district.

View of Singapore's Flyer, largest in the world

Singapore has it appears woken up to the fact that their old buildings are worth keeping. Wanted to walk down river place where a number of the old buildings survive but due to the torrential rain I did not bother, got soaked as it was walking back the shorter route to the hotel. I believe Singapore gained Independence some 45 years ago so they believe that their history is short. But their history goes back farther and I would have thought that people lived on the island pre Sir S Raffles time - otherwise what drew his attention to the island in the first place? Must find a book and read up on the history.
As I blogged earlier I must come back and spend more time to delve deeper into the charms of this lovely city.

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