Tuesday 8 June 2010

Singapore - feel absolutely at home here, wet and warm and very green. No photo's as yet due to weather and a few cock ups. Could easily drive here, drive same side as us, all same signs etc - probably the British influence after the war.

Flight great, on time and very quickly through airport. Met by courier and personal transport to hotel. What a difference, my room and en-suite could fit into the en-suite at the Atlantis. Very comfortable but very similar to UK.

Found out that the hotel had a DIY launderette so at midnight was very busy catching up on one's chores - rest of hotel in bed I think.

Tuesday 8th June

Good night's sleep, up at 7am with a fire alarm - false alarm - but wide awake. Talked to the tour guide who has booked me onto a DUK ride, evening out and about in Singapore and a city tour tomorrow.

Went to go on the DUK, time to spare so went sightseeing, got lost, had a great chat with one of the shop assistants and missed my slot on the DUK. Probably just as well as it was dry when I went into the mall and teeming with rain when I found my way out - would have got very wet on the DUK.

Walked back to the hotel instead, dodging the rain (about 2hrs) - the BB Fleet umbrella came in very handy. Had lunch with an American lady who lives out here, very pleasant chat over noodles, octopus and prawns. Had a look in the Raffles hotel complex of shops, tonight will be visiting for a drink or 3. However the lass behind the bar in this hotel says her Singapore slings are much better so maybe will have to try a couple in both places tonight.

Did take a couple of photo's but not uploaded yet - of a hotel with palm trees and a garden on it's roof. The hotel is huge and I doubt that my photo's will do it justice, bearing in mind I am at street level and this was some distance off.

I will try to blog from Aus whilst waiting in transit for my flight to NZ. Time of pick up from this hotel is 4.45pm tomorrow so another overnight flight etc.

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