Tuesday 15 June 2010

There are three islands out there somewhere, one of the many views of islands off the coast in the Pacific. Maps and notes are in the car so will have to amend later. The main isle and one on the right is the chicken and egg I think.

What a beach, close to a township called Hatfield

Good nick this Ford Anglia, spotted in the main street of the township called Thames.
Tuesday 15th June 2010
Staying in Thames for a couple of days before heading east towards to visit Bruce and Debs. Spoke to Debs today and she sounds fine, look forward to seeing the family.
Thames is part of an old gold mining community and the hostel was one of the very first hotels built., more on that tomorrow. Today was a beautiful sunny day but expect temperature to drop to zero tonight - no central heating again!!
One of the sights that I forgot to mention on the drive down to Hamilton was a company selling houses, second hand ones. They had been lifted and moved to a vacant lot so that buyers could look around them. I take it that when one was sold the house would then be moved by road to it's new position. Probably why the majority of properties are wooden construction. Want to upgrade, move out the old and move in the new.
Look to use the walking boots tomorrow and walk up part of the Kauaeranga valley.
Bye for now

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